I have mentioned to a friend that I am moving to New Bedford, MA. “I have just recently heard of that city,” she replied. After figuring out that the association to New Bedford was not a pleasant one, it occurred to me that it was relating to Boston Marathon bombing suspects or the crime and gang activity happening in the city. It is unfortunate that the history and beauty of that area is overshadowed by such negativity in the news.
On the positive side, New Bedford also happens to be mentioned as the #7 Artistic city in the nation ranked by most artists per capita in 2011. http://www.theatlanticcities.com/arts-and-lifestyle/2011/11/most-artistic-cities-america/592 Considering that New Bedford was placed alongside such well-off cities as New York and San Francisco, it struck me that artists are thriving in New Bedford despite its unfortunate reputation.
Is there more than just low cost of living that is contributing to this artistic movement? I think so. One may look at New Bedford and notice nothing but the present. An artistic eye sees the obvious present situation associated with drugs and dysfunction, but it also vividly sees the future potential – a beautiful thriving city situated on the South Coast of Massachusetts, a gateway to Cape Cod and the Islands that is filled with multiculturalism, great food, beaches, history, charm and stunning architecture. Because artists envision it in their minds, they are actively inspired to express and share that vision with the rest, to better their environment by creating panting, sculpture, music, etc. After all, it is the desire to act on creative visions that separates artists from dreamers.
The wheels are in motion and in due time New Bedford will rebound from its dark times and experience a Renaissance.