- Jan 29, 2013
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12 years ago
The Symbol
My creative journey started in first grade classroom in the Soviet Union, when the teacher gave the students a task – to draw a flag. I remember the pride and excitement that I have felt when I turned the project in and awaited for the teacher’s comments on my unique yellow triangular flag that was so different from a flurry of rectangular flags drawn by my classmates. Well, let’s be fair, they were mostly red Soviet Flags back at the time. Contrary to my expectations, the teacher not not share my enthusiasm, but also publicly humiliated me in front of the whole class! “And what country does this flag belong to? It does not exist,” she said with irritation. I shut down with embarrassment for coming up with an imaginary flag and getting an “F” for the assignment.
The result is familiar to creatives whose creativity found criticism at a young age – I stayed away from any creative task and despised drawing from that moment on. It wasn’t until college that I have started drawing again realizing that my creative spark in life could never be extinguished.
The Process
Over the years, working as an Arts/Nonprofit Administrator and practicing Artist, I have collected experience and observations about the creative process and its management as well as worked with many creative minds in advertising and fine arts fields. My unique approach to Creative Consulting is based on evaluation of the many ingredients that are necessary for nurturing creativity on an individual, or a group level, including environment, inter and intra-motivation, previous and current experiences, interaction, etc.
Creativity is needed and wanted in everyday situations, however, it is mandatory in common-day workplace where the survival of the business depends on cutting edge innovation. Creativity is results-driven field. And so are my projects in Creative Mind Forward.
The Timing
As we are slowly recovering from the Great Recession, the importance of relying on creativity to get ahead has never been greater. Fortunately, the desperate need for creative solutions has coincided with a recent increase in creativity research. Scholars are currently studying creativity as a psychological process, books are being published on the importance of creative environments ( check out my Book Review section), speakers are addressing creativity as common-place necessity, and not as a bohemian talent akin to artists only. It has never been a better time to increase the creative potential of our corporations, communities, nations, and of ourselves.